New Capital is part of EFG Asset Management. For more information visit: www.efg.com

On track to building better

The Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) was created in 2015 by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) to develop consistent climate-related financial risk disclosures for use by companies, banks, and investors in providing information to stakeholders.

The liabilities, and the physical and transitional risks that climate change can impact can’t be ignored. It’s our duty to address these very real possibilities now and develop tools and processes that can help us protect you. Through consistent and effective financial reporting, we work to assess the climate risks faced by businesses and to profit from climate-related opportunities.

This report covers each of the TCFD core elements in turn, setting out how EFGAM considers climate-related risks across its governance, strategy, risk management and the metrics used to monitor and manage those risks.


Climate change represents an urgent and potentially irreversible threat to humankind and EFGAM considers it to be one of the defining issues of our generation. As all the challenges it presents both risks and opportunities that can affect Society as a whole and our business. We recognise the financial sector can play an important role in supporting a just transition to a less intensive carbon economy. EFGAM aims to be a leader in this field and we think it’s our responsibility to act to measure, identify and manage climate-related risks and opportunities on behalf of our clients. As such EFGAM supports initiatives such as the Task Force on Financial Climate related disclosures, Climate100+ and the Paris agreement.

Climate change might increase future liabilities and creates physical and transition risks. As an investor we think it’s part of our fiduciary duties to develop tools and processes that can help us protecting our client’s wealth. Coherently with this approach we also need to provide consistent and effective financial reporting that enables all stakeholders to adequately assess the climate risks faced by businesses and to profit from climate-related opportunities.

This document explains the actions EFGAM has taken and outlines the path for future activities.

EFGAM’s approach to CO2 risk integration – 4 core elements

This report covers each of the TCFD core elements in turn, setting out how EFGAM considers climate-related risks across its governance, strategy, risk management and the metrics used to monitor and manage those risks.

For more detail and in depth coverage please download the full report.


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