New Capital is part of EFG Asset Management. For more information visit: www.efg.com

We are benchmark aware, not benchmark driven. Active management is integral to everything we do and our managers are not constrained by benchmarks.

Of course, we want to do well relative to peers and the market, but we are not about owning securities simply because they feature heavily in an index.

In a world where passive funds are taking a growing market share, we feel investors are unwilling to pay active fees for closet tracker portfolios. Our funds offer genuine active management and can therefore complement passive and more core benchmark-plus type offerings from other houses.

Performance is also key to the New Capital ethos and we aim to have the majority of our funds in the top quartile at any one time.

While managers are obviously integral to that, we believe the underlying strategy is vital in driving long-term returns and only offer funds in areas where we see potential for sustainable alpha. Our macro-driven approach is the real force behind our high conviction investment model, which allows us to create portfolios that benefit from global fundamentals and combine strategic thinking with active stock selection.

Responsible Investing

Investing in a sustainable and responsible manner has rapidly become a much more important consideration for banks, asset managers, their clients, shareholders and society at large. At EFGAM we believe when selecting and managing investments we must take ESG criteria into account. Click here for more information.

Of course, we want to do well relative to peers and the market, but we are not about owning securities simply because they feature heavily in an index.


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