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The recent burst of inflation in the US and in many other countries has led investors to wonder whether the entire inflation environment has changed.

Martin Haycock – New Capital Client Portfolio Manager

A short update on the convertible bond market following the recent global market volatility:

Drawdown event – convertibles provided downside mitigation

  • From the market peak on 16 July, the MSCI World (USD hedged) fell 9% - see chart below.
  • Meanwhile, an equity (or “parity”) index made up of convertible bond benchmark index underlying shares fell 10%.
  • In contrast, the benchmark FTSE Global Focus Convertible Bond Index fell just 3.8%.
  • Once again, the bond component of convertibles helped mitigate drawdowns versus equities.

Bounceback opportunity – further upside potential for convertibles

  • From the lows of 5 August, the MSCI has gained 8%, with convertible bond underlying shares (“parity”) lagging at +7%.
  • If equity mean reversion is expected, there may be scope for further upside from convertible bond underlying shares.
  • In addition, we believe convertible bonds are currently trading cheap to their theoretical value.
  • This provides a further source of convertible bond market upside potential.

New Capital Global Convertible Bond Fund – well-positioned

  • The Fund has a slightly higher equity sensitivity than the benchmark FTSE Global Focus Index.
  • While it meant a slightly larger drawdown, it means the Fund has bounced back faster than the benchmark.
  • Further, the Fund has proven greater capture of upside markets than declines to the downside (“convexity” *).
cropped 28 aug.png
Convertible bonds vs Equities - summer 2024 drawdown

Source: FTSE, Bloomberg (all data as of 20 August 2024)

Convertible bonds can play a useful role as a complementary asset class within a client allocation. The recent market volatility serves as a reminder of the benefits of convertibles in mitigating drawdowns while retaining further equity market upside potential.

Investment involves risk. Please refer to the fund’s offering document for risk details. Past performance is not an indication of future returns.

New Capital Global Convertible Bond Fund 

Learn more

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